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  • Inteva Products ChangChun, China Team Honored for Excellence

    TROY, Mich., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --  Inteva Products President and CEO Lon Offenbacher presented the operations team in ChangChun, China with the President's Platinum Award of Excellence, the highest annual

  • 中国长春团队因表现卓越而获得表彰

    美通社密歇根州特洛伊2011年7月7日电 Inteva Products 总裁兼首席执行官 Lon Offenbacher 向中国长春的运营团队颁发了总裁卓越白金奖。该奖项是 Inteva 授予员工的年度最高荣誉。2010年,长春团队显著提高了库存周转率,客户交付率达百分之分。获奖的团队成员包括:Xiaodong Dai、Du Li、Jane Wang、Zhang Yang Ming 和 Tao Yongru。

     Offenbacher 表示:“这支团队坚定地追求持续改进——这是各公司创造卓越业绩的基础,同时专注于让客户满意。他们的优异表现给我留下了非常深刻的印象。

     Inteva 的总裁卓越奖计划旨在表彰在本职工作以外拥有杰出表现和成就的个人和团队。开展高效的团队合作、专注于实现公司目标和践行公司的核心价值观是该奖项的基本要素。奖项提名由 Inteva 的其他员工完成,包括主管、同事和下属。

     Inteva 在中国拥有五家制造工厂和两家技术中心,共拥有员工约1500人。门模块和天窗在长春生产;该工厂最近被长春汽车产业开发区授予“绿色工厂”称号。车顶系统在上海的两家工厂生产。在镇江,Inteva 生产插销和制动器、车窗调节器和电动马达。Inteva 的合资企业 SDADS 生产门插销和门模块。这些工厂和技术中心共同为世界领先的乘用车原始设备制造商服务。


    Inteva Products, LLC 简介

    Inteva Products, LLC 是一家领先的全球供应商,为汽车、商业、防御、海事和工业车辆原始设备制造商提供旨在提升品质和性能的基于价值的创新和环境友好型产品,并为消费和休闲娱乐市场提供产品。Inteva 致力于按时提供高价值、低成本的优质产品,拥有闭锁系统、内饰系统、发动机和电子产品以及车顶系统工程、制造和客服方面的全球资源。Inteva 专注于实现可持续利润增长,提供卓越的客户服务,为员工营造最佳的工作环境。该公司总部位于密歇根州特洛伊,在18个国家拥有8000多名员工。更多详情,请访问 。



    Kimberly A. Welch


  • Inteva Products Shanghai, China Team Honored for Commitment to Help Handicapped People

    TROY, Mich., July 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Inteva Products President and CEO Lon Offenbacher presented the Shanghai, China SAMAP operations leadership team with the President's Platinum Award of Excellence

  • 中国上海团队因致力于帮助残疾人而获得表彰

    美通社密歇根州特洛伊2011年7月7日电 Inteva Products 总裁兼首席执行官 Lon Offenbacher 向中国上海的 SAMAP 运营领导团队颁发了社区承诺类别的总裁卓越白金奖。该奖项是 Inteva 授予员工的年度最高荣誉。上海领导团队因与蓝天爱心基金会合作,共同为当地残疾人士提供培训,使他们将来能够获得就业机会和更充实的生活而获得表彰。获奖的团队成员包括:David Chen、Pan Fuming、Anna Ma、Chen Rong、Cloud Wang、James Wu、Ming Wu、Tim Wu 和 Qiu Xinsheng。

     Offenbacher 表示:“这支团队慷慨大方且富有同情心,通过提供可持续的生活改进,为有需要的人们带来了切实的改变。我们公司的核心价值观是改善我们工作所在的当地社区的生活。这是我一贯坚持的原则。我想要对 SAMAP 为社区人民提供的额外帮助予以表彰和嘉奖。”

     鉴于其为蓝天爱心基金会提供的重大经济支持,SAMAP 和领导团队还受到当地政府的高度赞扬。除了这一荣誉之外,SAMAP 还被评为2010年上海安亭镇最负责任的雇主。Inteva Products Shanghai SAMAP 是 Inteva Products 与上海实业交通电器有限公司之间的合资企业。SAMAP

  • Matamoros Employees Recognized by City Major

    Inteva Matamoros employees were recognized by City Major, Eric Silva and his wife Marissa, for volunteering their time at Casa Hogar del niño Matamorense, a local center for homeless children.

    The center, located about 10 minutes from Matamoros Plant 1, houses 24 boys and girls ranging from newborns to 13 years old who do not have secure family lives, or have lost their parents.

    Through play time, meals, and bedtime stories these Inteva employees emulate a happy and healthy family life for these needy children. The group is most famous for celebrating birthdays with a traditional piñata and cake.

    Each year Major, Eric Silva, honors companies that are dedicated to hard work and making a difference after business hours. This year Inteva was included in this honor and was presented a plaque which read, “Your generous heart will not go inadvertent on darkness because his light will illuminate all your path.”

  • Caring For Our Coworkers – Troy Supports Alabama in Time of Need  

    Caring for the communities we live and work in is a core value at Inteva. When the state of Alabama suffered from a natural disaster, the care for communities extended to include our own colleagues. Inteva manufacturing plants in Cottondale and Gadsden received support and care from many Inteva facilities. Employees at Inteva World Headquarters & Technical Center were determined to provide employees in Alabama with assistance and comfort during this difficult time.

    The teams at Troy came together to host morning bagel sales, a clothing and linen drive, and departmental lunch cookouts each week for one month; donating all funds to employees in Alabama.

    Each Team had motivation to get creative with their cookouts to compete to raise the most money. These fundraisers provided the ability to reach out to Inteva employees and their families in Alabama while coming together to work as a team to raise as much money as possible.
